clements worldwide car insurance quotes

clements worldwide car insurance quotes

clements worldwide car insurance quotes


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What is the best car insurance for a first car and someone in the early 20s?

Hey guys.. So, i'm only 22 years old and i'm looking to to buy my first car really soon but first i want to find a good and affordable insurance agency. So far i'm looking to compare the following insurance companies: Geico, State Farm, Progressive, State Farm, etc. Any other suggestions would also come in handy.. Thank You!.



Car Insurance Honda Civic coupe vs sedan?

So I'm looking into buying a car. I'm 20 and I'm under my dads insurance. I pay 60 for being a secondary drivers for my dads van, but I want to get my own car. Would it be more if I got a black Honda civic coupe rather than a sedan?



What License would you need to sell Dental Insurance in IL?

I have both my Health and Life Insurance Licenses. Can I sell dental insurance?



Cheap Auto Insurance for teen?

I live in Houston, TX I've had my license for about 9 months and had no ticket, no accident, nothing! I have GPA over 3.5 finished drivers' ed. where can I get the lowest for manual sedans?



When should I expect money from a car insurance settlement?

Today, i was going through a green light and a driver ran a red light and hit the back of my car. i spun out and eventually stopped before hitting anyone else. I was wondering about how long should i expect to wait for insurance to comp me for a rental car (if applicable. i believe i have triple A) and to give me the check for a new car. i have a few follow up questions. 1. what amount will my insurance give me. i have liberty mutual and i had a 2001 kia sephia with 97000 miles in good condition. i just had new tires, alignment and oil change done to it because i just got the car about a week before. 2. the fender, axle, and back tire are completely totaled. the back drivers side is smashed in so should i try to fix or take my losses. 2. should i sue the driver and get a lawyer involved? or just take whatever my insurance will allow me to have? any additional advice, warning, guidelines or wahtever will be helpful also. thanks.



Who owns Geico insurance?

Who owns Geico insurance?



What 600cc Sports Bike is cheapest to Insurance?

Cheapest i got some far is 750 on a honda CBR 600 im looking at not spending more then 500 on insurance



When asked for your insurance in a car that's not yours..?

Just recently I took a vacation down to Galveston, and on my way back I got a speeding ticket in Ennis. Thing is, I was in my boyfriends mom's car and I didn't have my insurance. So I gave him the insurance for the car that I am not covered on. So my question is, is her insurance effected because of me? and When taking defensive driving should I put my insurance down for getting the ticket off my record?



Renault clio 1.3L 16v Insurance costs?

how much will it cost to insure me in a Renault Clio 1.3L 16v when i am 17 using a provisional license



Can you rate these cars on insurance coasts?

I was looking at buying a car. I have selected a few cars that I was interested in buying, but I don't know the coasts of car insurance. Can you give me a price range or tell me terrible, bad, average, good, great. If you can give me a price range that would be great and thanks for the help. The cars are 2005 Nissan 350Z Coupe, 2006 Hyundai Tiburon SE, 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer ES, 2006 Audi a4, 2000 Hyundai Tiburon, 2002 Audi TT, 2004 Mazda RX-8, and 2010 Toyota Corolla.



Can you put a relative from another state on your insurance plan?

I live in North Carolina and my Dad lives in Texas. I am going to college close to my mother who current ly insures me. I am not going to have a car for probably 2-3 years, and will literally never drive my moms car when I am at home, but my mom is paying a large amount of money to be on her plan. The insurance people said that you have to be more than 100 miles away from her to be taken off because there is resonable doubt I would drive. I was wondering if state laws allow for me to be insured by my dads plan in Tx, if so, would it cost a lot to be on his? If thats not possible, is there anyway to be taken off my moms or to not be insured at all?



Cheap insurance for young drivers?

I passed my test today and need to get some insurance, if you know any websites or companies that offer cheap insurance for 17yr olds for a mini from personal experience etc. Then please help Thanks



Auto insurance claim?

I was backing my car up and hit a light pole. If I file a insurance claim is this considered Collision or Comprehensive?



Cheap auto insurance in tampa. less then 75 month?

Cheap auto insurance in tampa. less then 75 month?



What is average cost for auto dealers insurance for a year in NYC?

What is average cost for auto dealers insurance for a year in NYC?



What would insurance on a 2001 Mustang GT be in Michigan?

I'm deciding between a Mustang GT and any V8 Ford pickup. The mpg on the Mustang will be probably at least 5 miles per gallon better than the pickup, but I'm sure insurance will be more. I want to know which one would be cheaper to own in the long run. I plan on driving about 40 miles per day for work and this would be my first car. I am in highschool so the insurance will be even higher than if it were for an adult.



Should I get health insurance for psychotherapy?

Assuming that each visit with a clinical psychologist is around $100-150, what is the cheapest method of getting coverage for therapy? I have no health insurance and don't think I could afford it at this time. It seems that the cost of plans with no deductible would be around the same price as paying for treatment out of pocket. Are there any other options for those that can't afford insurance? Something that would involve low monthly payments over a longer period of time? (Hopefully with a low interest rate, if there is one.) If it matters, I am an otherwise healthy 21-year-old and living in southern California. No history of physical illness. I hear that insurance company's can be fickle about pre-existing conditions. Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks! BTW, I don't know anything about health insurance, so excuse the obvious naivety :)



Does anyone know what a UWD guidline for home owners insurance means ?

Does anyone know what a UWD guidline for home owners insurance means ?



Best home insurance in ma?

best and lowest home insurance in MA



How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old?

Hey I will be turning 17 in a month and I was wondering how much car insurance will cost. I Think I will be going under my parents plan. I will either be getting my dads 05 range rover or an 03 nissan 350z. I have geico and live in NY if that helps. About how much would it cost to insure each car?



17 Yr Old Car Insurance?

Im 17yr old MALE and insurance is stupidly ridiculous 8,000? my best quote is 4500 Churchill are Idiots, theyll insure me on 1 car but not the other. Ecar seems to be the best so far. Can anyone give me a good insurance company for FULL UK licence holders. And tell me how much you pay



If I can't afford the affordable care insurance how do I know what the penalty is for not subscribing?

If I can't afford the affordable care insurance how do I know what the penalty is for not subscribing?



What companies can I get appointed with in Louisiana to write Home Insurance for my Insurance agency?

I have an Indepenent insurance agency in Houston, TX and I am opening a branch office in Louisiana to offer home and auto insurance for LA residents. However, I am having a hard time finding companies that are appointing agents or writing home insurance other than Louisiana Citizens. Does anyone have any suggestions on some companies that I am able to get appointed with ???? Please help!



Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son he s 19 and has a full uk license?

Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son he s 19 and has a full uk license?



How much will my insurance premium go down by?

After a years no claims? I'm currently paying 1700 (140 a month) for a 1.2 corsa. Not happy but still. I'm 19 and had my license since June 2008. Had insurance before but never got to the full year as my car broke down so I got rid. I know it's hard to give an exact amount but how much on average?


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clements worldwide car insurance quotes


Can you get in trouble for letting someone drive your car without insurance?

I own a car. I just bought it. I don't have the title in my name yet, nor is there any insurance on the vehicle in any ones name. If I let someone else drive my car and they get pulled over, who is liable? Will the person driving the car get in trouble for driving without insurance or will I get in trouble for allowing someone else driving it knowing its not insured nor is the title in my name?



Getting my first car,without license or insurance?

Hi i live in California and im getting alot of money to get my first car withing a 90 mile radius,the problem is that i have no DL or insurance.My question is what happens if i get stopped?Im only going to be driving it to my house and thats it until i get my license.Im also buy it off a person not a dealer.



Are there any specialized insurance company's that deal with young drivers?

I find it extremely annoying to type in all my details every single time I want to check the quote for a different car... ideally, I want a website where I can type in my details but NOT select the car and then it show me the quotes for each car so I can then CHOOSE from the list which car it is that I want... I'm 17, nearly 18 and have a full UK license and I'm looking at buying my first car. All the insurance quotes I've looked at are for over 1,700. Most of them are around 2,500. It's not like I'm choosing Ferrari's or anything either lol I'm looking at small run abouts, 106's, Saxo's, Polo's... I don't really CARE what the car is but I want a car. Any advice?



Whose insurance is a new baby supposed to go on?

I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and my husband and I have seperate insurance policies but both through Blue Cross. Does is matter whose insurance she is supposed to go on or are we just supposed to pick one?



Car insurance for a 19 year old?

Ok about a few Weeks ago I was involved in a wreak, I had no license and was not under my parents insurance. Luckily i didn't go to jail cause I was rear ended. Now I'm attempting to get A drivers license after SO long I've been begging for one, The only thing that's held me back from getting one was my parents because they said i would be tagged on into the insurance, and that I had to go under another address. Now after the wreak they said I cant get one, because once the insurance finds out im driving, they'll automatically add me on, is this true? I want to get back on the road and walking is pretty bad knowing i have a car ive been paying for the [ast two years for. BTW I live in Texas and under state farm.



How much does the average person have in their checking account?

NOT including 401ks, etc. Just cash you can touch and spend. And how much should you have if you have like 1,000rent +utilities +car insurance +credit cards + cell phone, etc.



First car/insurance question? im looking to buy this car for my first car, i currently have more than enough for it, plus i really have wanted a lancer. is that a good car? 2nd. do you need to pay insurance on a car that you dont use? im an avid driver, but i havent got my license yet, *2months exactly left*. if i get it, will i pay insurance for 2 months...without use? in the hypothetical scenario, where i wont even use my drivers permit with it with a parent of course.



How much would my car insurance cost?

If i was to buy a 1.4 three door corsa SRI 05 plate.



Insurance pricing difference with different car brands?

Hey there guys- Recently I have begun to look for a car (my first, as I am a new driver), and have a question for the more experienced. I have been looking at things like '04 Jettas, Audi A4's, Infiniti G35's, and the like. I understand that my age, gender (male), and lack of experience are going to directly affect the price of the insurance. But my question is, what will be the price difference between something like an '04 Volkswagen Jetta and an 04' Audi A4? Both seem to be in the same category of sedan, but I suppose Audis have a little more reputation for being sporty. Suppose there is not significant performance difference between the cars, they are both valued roughly the same, and have roughly the same mileage, what will the difference in insurance rates be and why? Is it possible to give me a rough idea of what I could expect? Thanks in advance!



I'm 18 and need auto insurance.?

I'm 18 and am about to buy a new car. I'm still under my mother's insurance, but am planning to get off of her insurance. I'll probably end up buying a clunker car that doesn't cost much. Here's my question: Do auto insurance companies allow drivers to get off their parent's insurance plans and get one of their own? My mother isn't very cooperative about paying for car insurance. I need to buy my own insurance. She WILL NOT cooperate. Will this be expensive? How would I go about changing the plan?



Family car insurance cheaper?

Hi, my parents currently have car insurance with a bank. they want to include me into the insurance. is there a family insurance bundle that is cheaper than individual car insurance?



Why is insurance so high on the scion tc?

what is the best/cheapest insurance out their for the scion tc and why is it so high? thanks



Car insurance is abnormally expensive for me (18yrs old)? What am I doing wrong?

I go on gocompare,, comparethemarket, etc. to check prices of different cars but I keep getting insurance at the price of 7,000+?! And the crazy thing is, it was for a Peugeot 2002 106 which is like 1.1 litre. which came to the lowest I found. Which was 7,000+. I fill in the details truthfully, such as locked home garage, very low miles per year, etc, but I can't seem to get cheap insurance? Everyone online says they get insured for around 2,000 on a Corsa, Peugeot 106, Citroen C1 and on like 1.4L+ cars etc. HOW TO HELL? Should I just buy my 1st car then insure it on my parents name then ask me to be put on as a named driver? My friends do that and pay around 1,000-1,200 on 1.6L cars.. Also, can you recommend me a good 1st car? (England) Thanks!



How does life insurance pay off or cover most of a funeral?

-I want to become a Lic. Funeral Director & Embalmer I work part-time in a family-owned independent funeral home (i don't like those chains) and by family-owned i mean it is independent and is owned by the original owners (not SCI, Dignity Memorial



How long have i had car insurance?

Can someone please tell me where I stand on the following: I have held a provisional UK license since 4/4/06 after a few months of driving lessons I took out insurance on my vehicle with Virgin so that I could drive accompanied by my parents. This policy was taken out on 31/7/06. On 9/11/06 I past my driving test. On 31/07/07 I renewed my car insurance with virgin and with the 31/07/08 soon approaching I must again renew my car insurance. The problem is I will in fact have had two year no claims on 31/07/08 which Virgin recognises, however when I go on their and any other online car insurers websites it says that my no claims (2 years) cannot exceed my full license period (1 year 9 months) So the question is, will my car insurance be recognised by other insurers as been held for two years?



Which Governor of California made car insurance a requirement?

I was just wondering why car insurance companies make millions in profits and suck the money out of us (car insurance payers). But Since it is not a federal requirement to have insurance. It exist in a state level. so yea which governor of california made car insurance a requirement to have ? :)



Drunk driver ran into fence of ours and his insurance wont cover full cost to replace...what can we do?

recently, an underage drunk driver ran his car off the road and into our fence and tore up about 100 feet or so. we had a company come give us an estimate of around $1000 to fix which includes material and labor...the insurance company of the young man that ran into our fence is only willing to pay around $600 because they are saying that the fence is 15 - 20 years old and didnt cost that much back when it was, i have a huge problem with it our fault that a drunk driver ruined our fence...should we have to pay out of our hard earned money the rest to make sure the fence is put back? is there anything we can do about this? any feedback is so mad i want this to get nationally recognized!



Do insurance rates go up if i get a lift?

i want to put a lift on my truck, but i dont know what that would do to the insurance if anything. its a 1994 silverado, extended cab, short bed, 1500. plz no stupid spam answers!



Do auto insurance brokers/agencys lie . they said ill pay 49 monthy and 134 down for insur. could this be lyin?

ya basically this auto insurance agency asked sum ? in person and compared rates and the lowest price was some company was offering $49 monthly and $134 down .. i was trying to get 40 a month and shes like there is nothing i can do .. then i was asked how can i be sure that this will be the monthly fee and they wont charge more and she said there will be no hidden fees this is what they charge . we are ligitiment insurance agency ... but i dont know i feel like the down is probly profiting them big time and i feel like the monthly payments will some how be higher than 49 monthy and she is lying about hidden fees



Car insurance lapsed? opposing insurance sends letter saying im liable.?

Long story short my insurance lapsed. I got into a car accident where i was backing out of a driveway and as i shifted the car into drive i was backed into my side driver door by more



Cheap auto insurance? Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance?

Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance? Im a 22 y/o that lives in CA. I need full coverage (liability, collission and comprehensive) on my 2003 Honda Civic. My driving record isnt too bad.



Is there one day motorcycle insurance?

I'm planning on buying a motorcycle in Philadelphia tomorrow or this weekend, but I still haven't seen it yet. If I test ride it, like it, and decide to buy it, I'm gonna have to ride it home. I figured out the registration part of it, where I can acquire temporary tags for the ride home, but for insurance, I don't want to insure something I haven't seen yet. Is there any way or company that does like one day insurance just for the ride home, then I can and will officially register and insure it. Thank you



Car insurance rate for a 17 year old male in Arizona through Geico?

I am planning on calling them to see what they said but I was curious as to what the typical amount would be. I am a B or higher student, depending on the class. I am a full time student, and will be for 5 more years... I have a job, and its been the same job for almost two years (if it matters) I will be on my moms plan, she hasnt had an accident in atleast 10 years, atleast from what i remember. I will be driving to work and school mainly. Most likely not driving more than the average mileage a year. I am assuming the type of car matters. It most likely going to be a 2007 Nissan Sentra 2.0L. It has less than 60K Miles on it. I hope that this is everything. Thanks in advanced!!! Kevin



Does this letter help explain why insurance is expensive?

This is a letter from Anthem to Sec. Sebelius back on February 11th, almost a month ago. It explains why insurance in California is high and what factors have led to the increase. It seems pretty clear to me and yet the President claims that he has asked for and has yet to receive a cogent response from the insurance company for this increase. Seems pretty cogent to me. Maybe the President is just a slow learner or the fact that he doesn't have any education or experience in business or economics make the concepts difficult for him to grasp. Notice that they mention that their rates are less than the 'not for profits' and that much of their increase is the result of Medicare patients needing supplementary insurance because Medicare won't cover them. Notice, too, that the cost of insurance is directly associated with the cost of health care. You can't reduce the cost of insurance without reducing the cost of health care. Obama's initiative does nothing to reduce the cost of CARE. Wonder why that is. Could there be an ulterior motive? So what do you think? Do you have any questions? And please don't waste our time. Read the thing before you respond.



Re: car insurance...?

My husband's name is the only one listed in the car insurance. I recently just got my driver's license, should I include my name in the insurance? What's the advantage or disadvantage of doing that? Would our insurance payment increase?


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clements worldwide car insurance quotes


What motorcycle security products give the biggest insurance discount?

Hi there, I'm looking to buy and insure my first motorbike in the nest few weeks so have been getting some quotes from insurance companies. There are so many chains/locks/immobilisers and alarms to choose from I am wondering what people use themselves, and if they can make a big saving on insurance prices. My insurance is obviously high as it's my first year, but I would like to try and keep costs down and also my bike secure :) Thanks



Is the constitution preventing Americans from getting affordable healthcare?

Is the constitution preventing Americans from getting affordable healthcare?



Just bought a car and Just got permit, what is good insurance?

I need to practice driving and get my license so I dont have to rely on friends and family all of the time. I need advice on some good cheap insurance for me. I am male, 18, no driving violations yet, and new at driving. I'm also a poor college kid.



Help i need cheap auto insurance.?

i have a 2001 pontiac grand prix gt and i am 19 years old and i live at zip code 48726 i need cheap car insurance can you help please



Can Switching To Geico Really Save You 15% Or More On Car Insurance? Is it the cheapest?

Can Switching To Geico Really Save You 15% Or More On Car Insurance? Is it the cheapest?



Can i get a bought car with someone elses insurance?

So i bought a car but it needs to be fixed so i need to tow it to my house. I dont have insurance on it yet until i fix it. My parents have triple A and are real good customers. Can triple a tow the vehicle to my house even of its not insured yet?



Florida's Insurance policy on new drivers?

Once a 16 year old gets their first drivers license is it required by law that they are immediately added to the parents insurance if they dont own a car yet? If so how much will it most likely cost with Geico insurance?



Car insurance rates?

i am a 23 year old male and have a 1993 lexus sc 300 auto 2 dr. i know for a male the rates go down when you hit 25 years old, but is there anything when you turn 23? doesnt it go down a lil. i have had 1 ticket for speeding in nov of 2005, but took that course online to get it off my record since it was my first one.



I am wondering what the most affordable healthcare insurance options there are in MA for self employed people.

I am wondering what the most affordable healthcare insurance options there are in MA for self employed people.



Proof Of Car Insurance?

I never owned a car, nor have I need to car insurance. I see I need Proof Of Insurance, How can I bypass proof of insurance when registering/buying a car from a dealership, etc?



How much would insurance cost for a 23 year old with a $1,500 car in florida?

Assuming the car is fully paid for, how much would insurance cost on a rather cheap ($1,500) car in Florida for a 23 year old with a spotless record. If an exact amount is too hard to find, a ballpark estimate would help.



Car InSuRaNcE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

if i buy a cheap second hand car and want 2 get insurance on it, how much will it cost?? Am 17 and a learner driver.. im buying the car to help me drive better individually. thanks



What can happen if you don't list all of your tickets on an online insurance quote and buy the policy?

For instance I have a spectator to racing ticket when a friend of mine attempted to outspeed a car that sped by him on the highway, he got pulled over and charged with street racing, and I received a citation for being a passenger in the car. (ridiculous I know) Now since I was not the driver, nor was my vehicle involved, should I still have to list this when filling out an online insurance quote? and if I don't what can happen if they find out later? Will they raise my rates immediately? Drop my policy? Or is there anything more serious they can do than that?



How much cheaper will my insurance be ?

Want to no how much cheaper my insurance would be if my mum insured my car but put me down as a name driver? I have just passed my test, looking to get a fiesta 05 plate 1.2 something like that, also my mum has been driving for over 20 years ?



Cheapest Auto insurance?

Cheapest Auto insurance?



Old DUI and Insurance rates.?

Unfortunately I was a stupid kid and received a DUI in July of 2007 in the state of PA. Now after years of traveling and studying overseas I am living in California and about to buy a car in a few months. I am wondering if anyone knows whether or not this DUI will play a major role in getting insurance?



How much will car insurance will cost me?

I want to lease a new 2014 Honda Sedan Getting my licence in june 18 years old/ $800 a month How much will it cost if my dad get an insurance same car He got his license exact year ago good credit score



My insurance adjuster wont give me enough money for my car repair?

A guy hit my car and his insurance said my car is worth less that what it really is the damage for my car is worht $3000 but they will only give me $2200 for it also on the evaluation report they made they said my car was in a worser condition than it really is. What can I do to get what i deserve? i don't want to settle for less



Can i get car insurance at an affordable rate after declaring bankruptcy?

Can i get car insurance at an affordable rate after declaring bankruptcy?



Do you need insurance for motorcycle if under 21?

i just passed my course and the coach I had told us that you are not required to have insurance if your 21 or over and wear a helmet so I asked her what about people under 21, she said it didnt say anything in the papers so she doesnt know.. i was wondering if any of you know if it is legal not to have insurance. im 18, live in florida, and wear a helmet, thanks!



What are the minimum requirements to insure a moped (UK)?

I have recently passed my car driving test and was told a easy way to reduce my insurance cost (because it was 3000+ per year) was to insure a moped for a year, not drive it but thus getting a years no claims. Obviously this then will reduce the insurance quote for the next year. (I am also going to undertake the PassPlus Scheme). So... I was just wondering what the minimum requirements are to insure a moped? Do I have to have passed a CBT (Cycle Basic Training)? Do I need a motorcycle license or will my UK driving license cover a moped up to 50cc? Does the moped need to be taxed throughout the whole year or just for the start of the insurance cover? (EG: if the tax runs out during the policy will it invalidate it?) Does the moped need a valid MOT or is it alright if it expires during the year that the policy will run?



Can insurance rates go up if...?

If you have a provisional license issued and you get a citation for carrying passengers in your car before your 5 months is up, can your insurance rates go up? If so, how much?



Best california car insurance?

Best california car insurance?



Should I contact my auto insurance company (accident was not my fault)?

Okay, my wife's car got stuck in the snow last week close to the subdivision. So I went out to get the car because she's not really good at driving in the snow, but I have more



How much do you pay for your car insurance?

Toronto, ON


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clements worldwide car insurance quotes


What would be the cheapest Car Insurance for a 20 year old? HELP!!?

so i'm 20, & i've had my licence for a year now & been driving around in my dads cars. but he just recently got a letter from his car insurance asking if he will add me on to it!.. will it be cheaper if i was added on to his or if i had one of my own?? because i go to school full time & work part time! & would the insurance go down when i turn 21?



Car insurance help!? please...?

Somebody hit my car and possibly totaled it. If it is totaled would their insurance just pay off my car, just give me a check for what its worth or both??



Who Pays For Your Medical Insurance?

Another one...who pays for your medical insurance?? The place i work for pays for my full coverage with NO out of pocket expence on my part and NO money taken out of my paycheck? Does your company also pay for you or do you have to pay some out of pocket money?? If i had a choice i choose them to dock me my half hour lunch as long as they are paying for my medical insurance..thats more important to me..What do you think??



Is it high insurance for a fiat 500?

i am a 17 year old girl and i was ust looking at the fiat 500 and i just want to know if the insurance is really high for them. I know the average is about 2000 for a 17 year old, so would anyone be able to give me an idea on price please. thanks for the help



How much does car insurance really cost?

Some companies like Dashers offer insurance for 18 dollars a month is that good enough?



Where is a good place to get a car and cheap car insurance?

My husband is in the navy... does the military have a car place we can go to or car insurance we can get?



Why are drivers often required to carry car insurance even if their cars aren't worth much?

I want to know why a driver has to have car insurance if the car isn't worth much. You know like a old car from way back in the day?



Good and affordable health insurance for an entry level job person?

8 live in pennsylvania, but so... U can give me details also if u live in other state. Anyway. .. i just wanna know which are goods



Anyone know any good cheap car insurance providers?

preferably direct rather than compare websites. cheers.



Approximate Car Insurance Cost for 2005 Audi A4 Sedan for 16 Year Old Male in New York?

I want to buy a 2005 Audi A4 but was wondering about how much the insurance would cost? I am 16 years old and a male, living in New York. Thanks.



How to get seen by a doctor without health insurance?

I have no health insurance but I need to see a doctor! I have the mirena IUD, a week ago I was sexually assaulted, but was unable to get a rape kit because of the insurance issue. But now I am having cramps, alot of pressure in my uterus area, my lower abdomen is bloated out, I ended my period 6 days ago and every day a few times a day, when I wipe its a little pink with what looks like some skin particles? It feels like I am constantly leaking discharge, I can feel it leaking out! Idk if he moved my mirena, or if he gave me and STD but I need to see a doctor. Is there a way I can see one and make payments on the bill or what? I live in California



Are there any insurance companies that will cover Suboxone?

My girlfriend takes Suboxone strips twice a day and the Suboxone cost was covered by a program she was in. That program recently expired and we are trying to find out which insurance companies would cover the drug because she simply can't afford to buy the strips out of pocket. She only makes about $200-$250 a week so we were trying to find a low income solution. Are there any companies that we could potentially look into? AETNA is one that we are considering but we wanted to see what options were out there.



Cant get a good insurance quote, got any estimates?

i'm a 17 year old boy in Florida with my motorcycles license (just got it), i took drivers ed, took the motorcycles safety course, never got arrested, no tickets, no law violations at all, i never drink, smoke, or do drugs, and i'm getting a 2013 Honda rebel 250. can someone PLEASE give me at least a ball park estimate on what ill be paying with insurance. i would be VERY grateful!



What is a good reputable Insurance Company for Health Insurance?

I need health Insurance and I want to get quotes.



Needing Short-term disabilty insurance?

My husband and I are planning on having one more child in a year or so and I am looking for short-term disabilty insurance, b/c my work does not have it. Anybody know a good insurance??



What is the best life insurance company?

what it the most reptuable life insurance company



Is an auto insurance quote a contract?

The reason I ask this is because I got an online quote from an auto company and was quoted $447 for a 12 month term. I find this to be an extremely good deal, but something tells me, when I speak to them, they are not going to honor it. So, do they have to honor their quote? Can I get them for false advertising if they don't (or something else)? More Info: This quote is already based on my driving record so, nothing in my history can come along to change the premium.



When you buy a used car how many days do u get to put insurance?

How many days can u drive around whit it whitout insurance ? how much time do u get to go the DMV and stuff ?



Car insurance?

How much is insurance going to go up if you had 2 accidents under the time of 3 months. First accident wasn't our fault but second was.



What do I need to do for self employed medical insurance?

I am 43 I am married. My hubby has medical and I'm on his policy. He has retirement. I will be on his retirement. But he is 44 what happneds to me being self employed, if something should happen to him. Will I still get his retirement money? Will I still be covered medical? I am looking at an IRA account at the local bank next week. I have only been self employed for 5 years. I have worked for an employee up until now. I need help. I need to plan for the retirement years. Thank you for your time. Plus we both have life insurance incase of death. If he goes first I'll have money to pay for the house. But what then? By the time I'm too old to work how will I buy things?



What are some cars with easily tunable engines and low insurance?

i need a car that i can make faster but i don't wanna pay alot f insurance. specific models please



If i get a cheap car will my insurance be cheaper or more expensive?

i have a car that i can have given to me it is about 5 years old but cant aford the first years car insurance out right if i sell it and gt a cheaper car will the insurance be cheaper or more expensive because it is an older car? i say this because if so i can sell the car i have and use the money left over to pay for the first ears car insurance. p.s i am a teenage driver which is why im trying to save as much money as i can!



What is the cheapest car insurance and what company for a 17 year old?

also can i use a motorbikes 1 year no claims for my cars insurance thanks



What is the cheapest and best car insurance?

I live in MA and I want to know what is the best, cheap car insurance out there for this state. I am 17, but I think my mom would put the insurance in her name. IDK yet. I would also be buying a used car from a dealer, if that matters. I just want to know like how much it would be per month. I also did driving school, I heard that lowers the rates..



Just passed driving test. 18 years old. What is the cheapest insurance company for me?

Just recently passed 17, turning 18 in a few days. What is the best insurance company in terms of price? also what car would i need to purchase to get the cheapest possible quote? Advice needed!


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