Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463

Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463

Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463


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When will the U.S. government stop the gender discrimination on Car insurance? The court of justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that from December 2012, insurers will be prevented from charging different premiums on the basis of an insured person's gender. When will america pass a similar law. Not everyone is the same. Girl drivers are the worst, how on earth could their insurance be lower than ours when half the time they are in the car they are laughing so hard into their cellphone that they can't see anything but the roof of their cars. Mix a bunch of girls in one car and it gets even worse. And don't try to say it's because of statistics, obviously since there are more male drivers than female drivers there are going to be more crashes and etc.



Car insurance question?

My step dad bought me a car in june '08.He was going through a divorce with my mom and he told me that he would pay my car insurance for the first 6 months. after i got the car he didnt really talk to me much anymore and i didnt see him at all. after 6 months passed in around december i didnt get anything in the mail to my house (he lived at another hosue not wth me anymore) about ym insurance so i assumed he was still paying for it. i had never gotten pulled over or in an accident since i got the car. in february of this yr someone smashed into my cars front hood and the bumper is smashed as well as the girll and headlights, they hit me and then ran so i got no information. when i got into the accident i called the insurance place witch i had no idea which i had i got the info from the papers in my glove compartment and they told me since i got the car in june no insurance had been ever paid. my car was not registered. no basically for 8 months i was driving around an uninsured car. i still havent done nething about it bc im scared idk what is gonna happen. i havent fixed my crash car or drove it . how much money am i gonna ghave to pay to get insurance again. he basically lied to me and he refuses to talk to me about it.



Can i get temporary car insurance for my teenager daughter on a separate insurance policy?

I want to get car insurance my teenage daughter (who passed her test 6 months ago).I am unable to add her to my current policy - does anyone know if any other way than changing current car insurance policy



How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?

I really want to get a Pontiac G6 on my 16th Birthday, I`m just curious as to how much the car insurance would be on it !



Cheapest car insurance in texas?

Hi... I have been re searching insurances and they are most around 180.... i was wondering if there were any other cheaper ones in texas... am single pregnant with assisiates, renting, 23 years old. No tickets. 1 acciden no okthers damaged.....



Insurance help when modifying a car?

hi im thinking about doing my vauxhall corsa c up its a 03 plate. at the moment im insured on my uncles buisness fleet. which is very cheap for me as im 17 nearly 18. question.. will i need to tell my insurance about modifiying my car. and will it go up?



Will a citiation for having my brights on raise my insurance?

And do I need to notify them? I have never had any other citations or anything else.



Free car insurance offers?

Does anybody know of any car companies that are currently offering one years free car insurance when you buy a new car in the UK?



Why is it a better idea to chose a higher deductible health insurance plan?

How do you feel about the rising costs of healthcare?



Can i use my mom name for car insurance?

can i use my mom's name for car insurance because car insurance for me is really expensive because i'm young...and she's in her late 50's but the thing is, is that she doesn't have a license to can i still use her name to buy car insurance?



What insurance rates do u all pay?

Just wondered what u all pay as i pay alot so does anyone else. Age -20 Sex -Male Car -Focus 2.0litre No mods Convictions-16 Month ban 3 years ago 1500 Anually



What is the best and cheapest company for motorcycle insurance?

I am a rider with 10 years of driving experience but my license lapsed and I was forced to start over as a new driver (M1 graduated liecense). I'm married, in my 30's, I drive a 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 and have never made any claims.



Small Business General Liability Insurance rates for premiums and audits?

The small business that I work for is currently shopping for a GL carrier and in getting quotes, questions are coming up that I just cannot find the answers for. Our current GL company basis our premium on our policy year payroll. However, one company that we are getting a quote from is basing the quote on the policy year gross income. Now, these two numbers are VASTLY different and I don't know why one is basing my premium on one item and another company on another item. Another question is Audit Rates. The audit rates between these two companies, (again based on different item dollar amounts,) differs also and I was wondering what a standard audit dollar amount would be, or maybe an average? If it makes a difference, my company does subcontract low voltage work. Thanks!



If I already have health insurance, but get hired somewhere where they also have health insurance as a benefit?

does that mean I HAVE to have their insurance? I want to keep my own insurance, which is under my parents health insurance.



Having difficulty cancelling auto insurance with allstate?

I switched from Allstate to Geico on Feb 21st (a Sunday). I called my local Allstate guy on Monday the 22nd. He said he'd cancel the policy, and I logged into my Allstate account online on the 27th and it still wasn't cancelled. I called their 24 hour customer service and spoke with someone who said they'd put in the request to cancel the policy again. I log into my bank today and they WITHDREW my March payment! So I called them again and they said the policy was still active. The lady I spoke with tonight said they will need to see proof that I'm with Geico now. Why didn't anyone tell me that the first two times? What do I need to do to get my policy to be cancelled? I've been with a few other auto insurance companies in my day and I've NEVER had this much of an issue getting the policy cancelled! As of now they owe me well over $200 and I'm afraid they're going to play games with me before I get my money back. What are my rights and options??



Need some advice, about speeding ticket please? No negative opinions please?

Well I got a speeding ticket on my bike, my first one in 3 years. But thing is I don't have a License or insurance (don't bother, I just never wanted to even bother with the long lines at dmv) and no I'd in possession. So I got a 1200 ticket and I refuse to sell my bike,(yeah they didn't impound it, I'm OK, USA by the way). So any way I can get it reduced? Insurance costs the most. So is could I could the insurance and DL part waived if I got the paperwork?



How much is insurance on 2003 lexus IS300?

wondering how much i might be paying a month if im getting a more expensive car..?



Best & cheapest car insurance company in Cincinnati OH?

Which is the best and cheapest car insurance company out there that provides full coverage? I am paying about 180 for 2 cars right now and I want to know if there is anything else out there that can be better. I am currently with Geico



Insurance in USA for people above 45 and below 60?

Hello, My parent just moved to USA (NY) a few months back and my father works at a grocery store. My parents do not have health insurance and I want to get them medical insurance somehow, something that is affordable since my father's job does not offer any health coverage. I am there only daughter and I asked my employer if I can add my parents to the my insurance policy but he said that will not be possible. My dad has been searching for a job which offers medical coverage but unfortunately it is a tuff time to find a job. My mother is suffering from Sciatica pain she went to one of the walk in clinics and got the medicine and ended up paying 200$ which did not do any good. Any suggestions how I can resolve this issue?



Where do I go to find public liability insurance?

I am starting to run workshops, teaching creative recycling crafts and require public liability insurance. Could you point me in the right direction please?



What is the cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?

With your experiences with auto insurance, whats been the cheapest you've had or knew someone had. I'm 20 with a 2001 Mazda Protege LX 2.0L in NYS



Auto Insurance Is Prohibitively Expensive. What To Do?

I'm 23 years old. I rent a flat and have held a steady management job for 4 years. I don't drink or smoke. I am looking to purchase a 1993 Nissan Altima and I was looking for insurance. I was blown away when I got the quotes. Mind you, I live in Detroit and I understand that insurance is expensive, but this is ridiculous. Every quote I got was for at least $400 a month, liability only. Esurance was the most expensive at $582 a month. Allstate was the lowest at $396 a month. Any advice? I really need this car, but there is no way I can afford those insane rates.



What are the best car insurance sites for a 17 year old male?

Im just looking what sort of prices id be looking at for insurance for small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant get a quote under 3000. Who are the best insurance providers for recently passed 17 year olds?



Child custody in california?

my husband wants me to have full custody of child but is it possible for him to have visitation rights for child in summers? and the non-custodial parent doenst want to pay any child support? is this allowed in california?



Car insurance in household with 3 licensed drivers and 3 cars?

I just purchased a 2000 Honda Prelude Type SH, and while I am prepared to pay the cost of a full insurance premium, I am wondering if there is any way around insuring myself as the primary driver of this vehicle, when in reality the driving will be split between my mother and myself. We have two 2001 Grand Prix's, both insured under RBC in my father's name, with my mother and myself on the policy as occasional drivers. So I suppose my question would be whether or not my father or mother can insure my vehicle and add me to the policy the same way I am on it for the other two cars?


Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463

Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463


California motorcycle license???????????

I want to get a motorcycle license but heres my question, I dont have a motorcycle and if I was to buy one how could I get it insured? if I dont have a MC license? cause I know the insurance guy will ask me for my MC license first ( just like when you insure a car ) and heres another question, if I had a MC how would I be able to show proof of insurance to the place where you take the MC highway test ( not sure what its called ). Just to let you know I dont know anyone who has a MC so I could borrow it to take the test.



How much do you pay for car insurance?

and how old are you? not the insurance that pays for ur car if it gets damaged, the insurance that pays for the damage if you hit another car? i think what is that insurance called? no-fault insurance? idk new be



Home owners insurance?

I was wondering why insurance adjusters don't bring out in-fared while checking for home damage?? after all we pay for the insurance don't they have to look for the damage and have to be honest...



What do you guys think would be cheaper in car insurance?

What would be cheaper in car insurance? Which one would last longer? 2003 nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im 18 years old.



Carr insurance with 2 years clean driving record?

I am planning to buy a used car my Driver liscence is 2 years old with a clean driving record i am wondering will i have to pay a lot of insurance or just minimal based on my record and DL. Please suggest which is a cheap insurance option



How much would car insurance cost??????

16 yearold female in north much would car insurance be for a pontiac solstice and a jeep grand cheerokee both paid off. give me amounts not wesites'



Insurance for young drivers?

I just passed my test im 18 tomorrow and i am looking for short term insurance but fairly cheap. I have already tried to look online but most of the insurance company's require the driver to have a years experience on the road beforehand. I desperately need to drive and i desperately need to have insurance. Can anyone please advise on cheap company's plus how to arrange it all?? Thanks



Obtaining auto insurance quote for dummies?

I've done a little Google searching and haven't found a clear answer to my question. Can anyone help me out? When getting a quote from a new insurance provider, when you report past driving incidents do you report them as what the police officer originally originally charged you with, or as the plea bargain given to you by the judge? I got a speeding ticket awhile back but when I went to court the judge gave me a plea bargain which lowered the violation to driving with a defective tail light , driving an unsafe vehicle or something of that nature. I don't remember exactly. So, when getting a quote from a new provider, do I list the incident as a speeding ticket? Or as the violation that I was actually convicted of? Thanks so much in advance for your help. I will be assure to award the best answer!!!! You know you want that best answer!! :)



Health Insurance?




What car is cheap for insurance?

I'm 17 year old im looking for a car I have got to the point of I want anything thats ok but insurance is killing me so I came up with a few cars let me know if it's good on insurance . 89 Silvia s13k ,98 gto twin turbo ,98 pointac grand prix and if you have any cars that you suggest or insurance plains that I should look into let me know.



How can someone get health care if insurance denies them?

My mom was seeing a psychiatrist and on lots of meds a few years ago. She since lost her job and kaiser and all the insurance companies won't cover her. She's been sick for two weeks and had to go to the emergency room yesterday. She can't afford to get care without insurance and I'm really worried about her, she's throwing up and passing out with a fever and all the emergency room gave her were antibiotics and said it might be a kidney infection. I told her to go to Mexico to find an affordable doctor but she can't even get out of bed. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of taking next semester off and giving her my student loan as a last resort.



Affordable health insurance for a 19 year old?

I am a 19 year old white female, i live in California, i go to a community college part time, and i babysit and work part time as a substitute custodian(no benefits). Im looking for really cheap even free health insurance since I make roughly $120-$400 a month. I've looked at my school's health care, it doesn't cover what i want(just covers family planing and std test). I would like something that would cover doctor visits or i pay a small copay. If anyone knows what i can do or where to look, i would greatly appreciate it.



Car or bike insurance?

What is more expensive when you are 17, Car or bike insurance???



Can I get car insurance for my work place way from home?

can I get car insurance for my work place way from home



How does uninsured motorist effect me and the insurance company?

if i get in a car accident with someone that dosnt have car insurance how does this effect me and the insurance company



Car insurance excess reclaiming?

My car was written off back in sept 08 after two cars collided infront of me and one spun and wrecked the front of my car. Both parties are disputing liability and I have got nowhere more



How much does it cost a car insurance in NYC?

not a new car



Car Insurance If I Am Not The Car Owner?

Is it possible for me to insure myself to drive my sister's car, and to add her as a named driver? Or do I have to own the car. My sister has just passed her test, and her insurance would cost 700 if she does it herself. If I insure myself to drive the car and add her as a named driver, then it would be more like 200. Does my sister have to sign over ownership of the car to me for this to work?



Cheaper Insurance on Mitsub evo?

Im looking into buy an Mitsubishi EVO 8 but the insurance will be way too expensive. If i finance it and put the car in my moms name and the insurance in her name could i save money(my moms like 54). My insurance company says i can use other peoples cars as long as i have a policy myself which i do. How much do some of you people pay?



If I have my license but do not own a car do I need car insurance?

I am planning on getting my drivers license this summer and do not have my own car. I would be using my parents car (that's insured) until I get my own. Would I need to have insurance for myself or is it enough that the car I would be driving is insured?



Our car insurance is crazy! Please help!?

We have Geico. And a 2007 Toyota Yaris. When my boyfriend moved in, we called to see how much it would be to put him on our insurance as an occasional driver. It was 1000 for 6 months. Then they made us mail him something as proof he wasn't living there or they were going to charge us anyways! So now we got a letter that says they did it anyways and they want more proof. His insurance for his broken down car is at our address cause he was living with us then moved out. His license and everything is still at his old home. Even if he moves out, we can't prove he doesn't live there cause they want a utility bill with his name on it! What can we do? Is this legal? We don't have the money to switch insurances.



How to provide proof of auto insurance?

How to provide proof of car insurance? I have been offered a generous stipend for graduate school. One of the documents they ask for is proof of car insurance. Does anyone know how I can provide proof of car insurance? (I know for a fact that my parents have bought car insurance). It would be helpful to know what document I should be looking for, what it looks like, is it just my AAA card or is it a form. Thanks a lot for your help!!



New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny?

New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny is the highest ever.My sister lives in Nj is it possible I can use his address to get cheaper Car insurance...Or do I need a new jersey drivers license as well??



A car has a minor accident found in the car proof, does it increase the insurance ?

If I buy this car, is my insurance go up?



My parents wont put me in car insurance?

My dad keeps giving me excuses to why I'm not on his insurance yet. His excuse now is that he wants to switch car insurances first, but that he can't until he fixes his car. Like why can't he fix his car under the new insurance? it makes no sense. I've had my license for about 3 weeks now. All my friends have been put under insurance as soon as they got their license. I'm trying to get a job, but I cant because I'm not on the insurance. and no one can drive me to work since they work themselves. My parents think my older brother is my personal driver, its annoying. I don't know what to do. Any advice?


Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463

Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463


Retirement and Health Insurance?

Hello, I am getting ready to retire and am having a hard time finding affording health insurance. I am retireing at 62 so am not able to get medicare yet. Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance plans for Seniors in Florida? Any info is much appreciated.



Car Insurance Yearly Cost.?

I am a 19 year old male, and have had a licence for basically 3 years now, I live in Alberta Canada, and have already completed my Test to get off of my GDL (Graduated Drivers Licence). I have taken, and completed driver training, and I have not made a claim or gotten any driving infractions (tickets or whatever) whatsoever. Without collision on my 2003 honda Civic coupe, what should my yearly insurance payment be? Right not I am paying $1600 and it seems like it is too much.



Insurance on a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse 6cylin?

How much would it cost to insure it i was planning to buy a eclipse im a 16 year old male and I dont want to cost my dad an extra 200 a month i just want to insure the other person not my car (cause the car is 3000 dollars) And i was just wondering cause its important please give me a general monthly payment not 'Its gonna be a lot



Does anyone know of any kind of affordable health insurance?

My husband works independantly and needs health insurance in the Atlanta area.



Sports car insurance for a teen girl?

okay, so i am 16. i am looking at a 2003 mitsubishi eclipse gs - meaning it has 4 cyl. instead of 6. is it still considered a sports car? & how much do you think the estimated insurance payment a month would be? please help - im really in need on an answer.



Need help with car insurance?

My car insurance was cancelled because of no payments on January. I got laid off and couldn't make the payments. However, I didn't return the plates to rmv and was driving uninsured cuz I had make it to school. I just recently got a job and want to get insured again. However, I don't know how to begin the process again. What happens when I return the plates..where should return much fee will I pay ..where do i pay it and when can I get a new plate and when will I be able to get insured again. I live in Massachusetts . Gladly appreciate an answer thanks



Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta?

Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta?



Long term car insurance abroad?

I need to leave UK for 3-4 months and I need car insurance for my car. Currently I have Elephant insurance but they only offer 30 consecutive days for driving abroad but I need longer than that. Is there other company which can insure for longer than 90 days? Or what do you usually do? Can I insure car with local insurance companies if I have UK registration? Thank you



1998 Honda civic, had a car accident, back tire smashed in back Axel is bent how much will this cost me?

Any chance my insurance company will decide to total it out?



Car insurance without deposit or low deposit?

hi im looking to insure mg mg zr but have little money till i get on the rd so i need an insurance company that will insure me today for no or very little deposit not 140 deposit and 11 installs of 80



How much would I pay for car insurance on average?

I am 17, about to turn 18 and I am about to get my license. I am going to get a used car around a 1995 car. Around how much would I pay for insurance?



Wat is the avarage cost for car insurance in nyc? anyone! please be as specific as posible?

so ive been thinkin about getting a car. but i dont know how much i would be paying a month for car insurance..i would really appreciate to get accurate answers...thank u guys



Ball park how much extra to add my boyfriend to my car insurance policy.?

I'm paying alot because i'm a new driver to the UK, just wanted a ball park of if it will be alot more to add my live in boyfriend as an occasional driver.



If I add my boyfriend to my car title, do I need to add him to my car insurance?

He has his own car and his own insurance already. Also, we live in Texas.



Do I Need Car Insurance to drive my parents car?

I live in ct and i was wondering can i drive my parenst car as long as they have car insurance on a registered car or do i have to be on a policy too?



Doubt on two wheeler insurance ---Help?

My father has purchased a second hand bike for me but it is registered with my father name. I am going to use this bike. Now i have the following doubts 1. can i need to buy a new insurance or i can renew the existing bike insurance of bike seller. 2. if i need to buy a new insurance , with which name i need to buy ? my fathers or mine ? 3. can i use online facility of ICICI Lombord ? there it is showing the following 2 options 1.Buy insurance for brand new Two Wheeler 2.Buy insurance for brand new Two Wheeler which option should i choose?



Whom has the cheapest car insurance?

asking for my sister's boyfriend as his just went up very high in price and he is not too happy about it and looking for another ..thanks..



Is there any cheap insurance out there for students?

Hi, My name is Courtney and I'm looking to buy a car soon but I don't have car insurance. My parents wont put me on theirs so I need something really cheap because I'm a student and I don't have much money. Is there some place that offers coverage for low low prices?



What is the average cost of homeowner's insurance for a home that is appraised at 169,000 and bought for 166k?

Home is in Rhode Island.




I'm 18 and a girl and have had my license for 2 years. My car insurance is 170$ a month, is that a lot? I don't know much about cars but it doesn't seem right. I only have full coverage for my medical and not my car. I have AAA car insurance. HELP please!



20 and a Marine but auto insurance companie's want to charge me 500$ a month??? HELP?

I just got my license a couple months back i am in the marines and joined when i was 17 and in california it cost 350$ to get your license before you are 18 and i could not afford it. i am a very busy guy and it took time before i could get it. i make 600 every 2 weeks and i am about to get a car i am stationed at camp lejeune NC. for the auto loan i will be paying about 350 to 400 a month. its not that bad i am paying 5 % interest on the loan for 11,500 not that bad for not having any credit. but the insurance companies want to charge me anywhere from 450 to 700 a month i have only looked at a couple companies but it takes forever to fill out the info and some of them do not read my address because i am on a military base so i have to call them and you all no how that goes. so my question is what is a auto insurance companie that will be cheap. i have to get full coverage because of the loan. please only serious answerer's and from personal experience. sorry if i spelled things wrong i am not in a prestige college i am a Marine. but think you for your help and have a great day.



My GF just renewed her car insurance and has to pay an extra 55 a year for 3 years because...?

In June last year some halfwit drove into the back of her while she was stationary at a junction, no claim was made as an accident management firm was used to claim the money back from the halfwit, it was a no fault accident on the GF's part, she also had full no claims bonus at the time. So will every company charge her this premium or is it just her insurance company? This is so unfair!



Why do Women get cheaper car insurance?

Thats the biggest joke going! they are safer my ar*e



Liability Car Insurance and Car Age?

I am wondering about how old a car should be to only have liability car insurance on it. Also, can you get liability on any/all cars, or just ones that are a certain age or older?



Is there a GOOD, HONEST, RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE Health Insurance (in TN), that individuals can acquire?

I have a job that has an option for health insurance, but the insurance in terrible & expensive. My boss has agreed that if we can find a good health insurance company, that he would be willing to pay 1/2 of our premiums. There are too many health insurance companies out there & not all of them are just for individuals or small businesses. If you know of one, please tell me. I live in Tennessee (East TN). Thank you!


Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463

Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463


Is there affordable health insurance available for fertility: tubal reversal?

Me and my fiancee' are wanting to have another baby. The only problem is that my tubes are tied. I wanna know is there afforable health insurance that covers fertility? Is there more



What is insurance?Explain?

I mean what is malpractice insurance, car insurance ,health insurance, etc. Please explain is simple, clear and easy words.



Cheapest car insurance for teenagers?

I have a 16 year old what insurance is the cheapest to put her on



What car insurance is best/cheapest?

I am going to be getting a used car from my uncle and would like to know your opinion on what car insurance to get. My parents wont put me on their plan(this is my first car btw) so I have to get my own. I need a cheaper plan considering I only work during the summer as of now(thinking of getting a job on my college campus next semester). Any help would be good(your experience etc) I tried going onto the General insurance website(commercials say their cheap) for a quote but they keep on sending me to a Geico website, has anyone else had this problem? Thanks in advance for answering.(BTW I am a girl, I know that we get cheeper insurance typically for some reason lol and I also went through drivers ed in the past and I know most companies will give me a discount for that)



Insurance companies messed up!?!?

Over three years ago, a pick-up truck crushed the entire back-side of my van. Of course, it wasn't my fault and I took care of the situation by calling the truck driver's insurance company. However, when I was going through my auto insurance profile, I saw something weird, a driving history stating that I was at-fault for that accident three years ago. It's very weird because I claimed an accident not on my insurance company, but the truck driver's. What can I do to fix this? Was I paying more premium because of this mistake? Thank you



My car insurance is higher than everyone elses because im a Young Man?

Hi, Im 24 and recently started seaching for my own car insurance poilicy. I thought I would pay about the same rate as my mom, but I keep getting quotes that are like twice what she pays! I asked one agent why and he said :young men are more aggressive and likely to take more risk while driving I have never even had a parking ticket! Just because im young doesnt mean I will drive wild or speed. Is this discrimination? WOMEN AE WAY WORSE DRIVERS THAN MEN!



Do i need insurance to leave my car parked on the street?

Its got tax and mot but if its not being driven, just parked outside do i need insurance for it? A neighbour told me someone else in the street got towed away as there was no insurance on it.



Does california law require insurance on motorcycles?

I know the law requires proof in financial liability in the case of accident or injury, and always requires insurance for cars, does it require ins. for motorcycles?



What happened if my car was hit or totaled while parked, and I don't have insurance.?

I have not been driving my car because I lost my license and insurance, it's been sitting for a while and registration is expired, if someone was to hit or back into my car while parked if they have full coverage will my car be covered?



Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?

Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?



Where can I get best and affordable liability insurance for Photographer?

Need liability insurance for over $1M to be able to photograph Resort weddings. There is xxx companies out there offering insurance but It's hard to choose specially when I'm new in it. Somebody told me to become member of PPA and used their discounts for liability insurance. Thank you very much for your time. Frank



How long does it take for an auto insurance company to investigate and claim liability?

My daughter was in a car accident on Feb. 25. She was traveling straight in the southbound lane, when a rushing man in the northbound lane turned left in front of her. The driver admitted that he was upset because he had been following a school bus for the last 20 minutes and his friend, whom he was trying to pick up, was late for work. He stated that when he saw the driveway that he cut from behind the bus to turn in then realized from the skidding that he turned in front of a car. His insurance company is still investigating and waiting for pics of the scene and his friends statement. I was told by his insurance company (USAA) that witnesses not listed on the police report could not be used, but his friend is not on the police report and they are waiting for her statement. NC State Highway Patrol responded to the scene and the driver was cited for failure to yield the right of way. The driver was apologetic and admitted several times around a number of people that he must have blanked out or was daydreaming from the frustration of the school bus. USAA is saying that they need to make sure that my daughter was not 1% at fault, meaning speeding perhaps. The officer estimated her speed at impact at around 40 mph and the speed limit is 55mph. She hit the drivers back tire of his Jeep Wrangler (small truck) causing him to rest in a small trench or ditch ion the side of the attempted driveway. The front passenger side above the front tire and the front by the headlight is damaged on her car. She tried to avoid him, protect her younger sister (13) and avoid veering to much left in fear of hitting the school bus. My girls were terrified when I arrived 15 minutes after the accident. USAA stated that she may have had time to instanly stop, but she tried everything that she could do. In my opinion, she should have never been put into that situation. USAA is saying that points of contact are off, but my insurance agent said that she hit the back tire because a Jeep Wrangler is only 5 ft long and he was not towing a boat or driving a common sized vehicle. Plus the driver admitted to pushing down on the accelerator when he realized what was happening. I just need to have someones advice on this matter before hiring a lawyer. Thank you.



Total loss and State farm auto insurance?

I had a collision a few weeks before and it is classified as collision damage. I received an estimate at a body shop who initially provided an estimate of $xxxxx/- and said that the insurance company has agreed to pay them and a delivery date was given. Now, things have changed in the middle and the body shop manager tells me a new stories of additional things that went wrong due to collision (all of a sudden) and that the insurance agent after inspection wants to call it a total loss based on this new estimate. My insurance company- State farm wants it to call a total loss which I doubt given the extent of repair it might take for the minor damage in the front fender alone. Now, here are my questions. I now have suspicion on the integrity of the body shop as well the trick palyed in declaring total loss. 1. Can I have a second opinion at a different body shop? Does State farm allow that? 2. If the repair cost is more than the ACV, and if I still wish to keep the car, can I negotiate for the max amount less deductible that State farm is willing to pay the body shop (xx% of the max amount that state farm is willing to pay before declaring total loss) and I take care of the remaining cost? Your input is appreciated. Thanks, NS



Is it good to shop around and change car insurance every 6 months. In order to always pay the lowest?

Does that look bad in your records, credit, financial history etc? Example..... This bastard is always changing car insurances every couple of months.



Do i need to add my wife under my car insurance?

Allstate is my car insurance



Car insurance questions (Still on parent's plan)?

I have a few questions... Is there a set age where I can no longer be on my mom's car insurance? Or is it completely up to her? For example can two adults (both in their 40's) be on the same insurance? I am 19. I currently live with my mom. If I were to move out, can I still be on her insurance? If I don't go to college, can I still be on her insurance? I heard you need to be a full time student to be on a parent's insurance? If I were to buy a car, would it have to be in her name?



Isn't it patriotic to want all Americans to have access to affordable healthcare?

Isn't it patriotic to want all Americans to have access to affordable healthcare?



Got into a car accident! ): Will my insurance go up?

I got into a car accident a few hours ago..I was turning in to park into a tight space, misjudged the space, and ended up hitting the rear of the car that was parked on the right (I scratched it slightly) car had a slight scratch on it too. I gave the guy my insurance info and all that...but im worried..ive been driving for 3 years and never had this happen before, the damages are minor but will my insurance go up? Im also getting my motorcycle license next summer, will the insurance for my motorcycle go up?



How do you get cheap classic mini insurance when your 17 and its your first car?

My friend (also 17) got his insurance for 998, i asked and he said about classic mini insurance and joining a mini club, can someone explain and help me?



What is the cheapest liability insurance in sacramento?

looking for auto liability. just to cover the basics. i'm shooting for 50 dollars or less per month.



What's the most expensive comprehensive car insurance ever in the U.K.?

What's the most expensive comprehensive car insurance ever in the U.K.?



Im 19yrs old and i wanna know how much will my car insurance will be..???

Im 19yrs old and i wanna know how much will my car insurance will be..???



Tax and Insurance question for a Young Person?

Okay , Im 14 years old , and I cannot wait to start my real career (After some years of college) as a Video game producer (or) programmer. My mom says that what ever pay check I get from a job or career , the tax will take money from it. I've calculated my monthly payment from being a Video Game Producer , Which is $5208 a month. How much will money would I Really get after taxes are taken care of and if I have car and health insurance? Is there any other thing I need to know as well?



Pizza delivery driver insurance in own car, where can I get insurance uk?

I have been offered a job as a pizza delIvery driver but I need to insure my car with business insurance I have tried everywhere but know one does it please Help x



Can you get car insurance without a license?

I want to buy a car without a drivers license. Can I get insurance for the car if I use another name of a person with a license?


Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463

Monarch Montana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 59463